Military Waste Cleanup Project

FFCW 2002

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ISIS Military Waste Cleanup Program
Federal Facilities Cleanup Workshop 2002
"Empowering Community-Science Partnerships
for Effective Military Waste Cleanup"
June 7 - 9, 2001
Oakland City Center Marriott, Oakland, CA




The ISIS Military Waste Cleanup Program's 2002 Federal Facilities Cleanup Workshop, "Empowering Community-Science Partnerships for Effective Military and Nuclear Waste Cleanup," will take place at the Oakland Marriott City Center Hotel on Oakland, California, June 7- 9, 2002 (the workshop program begins at 5:30 pm the evening of June 7). Attendees will include community members from across the country who are working on military cleanup issues; scientists working with communities on mil cleanup issues; state and federal regulators and DoD/DoE stakeholders; and our Youth Forum members, who will join the workshop following their pre-conference program during the day on Friday, June 7.

Who Should Attend
This EPA-funded workshop is designed for all stakeholders in the cleanup of military and nuclear waste sites, with a focus on the scientists, technical advisors, and community members who work most closely on military pollution. The conference will feature discussion and presentations with community groups, academic scientists, regulators, and technical advisors, as well as other interested parties. Attendance is by application and is limited to 40 participants.

Workshop Agenda
The workshop combines keynote presentations, plenary discussion sessions, and breakout sessions on current core issues in military and nuclear waste cleanup. The workshop begins Friday, June 7, at 6:00 pm and concludes on Sunday, June 9 at 3:30 pm. The ISIS MilWaste Youth Forum 2002 will take place as a separate pre-workshop on Friday, June 7. Please consult the agenda for details on the workshop schedule.

Keynote Speakers
Invited keynote speakers include: Jerry Brown, Mayor of Oakland, California; Vernice Travis-Miller, Ford Foundation

Goals of the Workshop
To create a forum for learning about existing community-science partnerships that have improved cleanup efforts and make them known nationally

Explore ways of strengthening the national network of stakeholders involved in military waste cleanup Foster the creation of shared language and alignment of efforts between scientists, advisors, regulators, community members, and other stakeholders involved in the cleanup effort

Create several new community-science connections as a result of the conference

Assist community participants to come away with specific strategies for introducing more community-responsive science and technology assistance into their cleanup efforts

Sponsor a strong voice for our privately funded June 7th Youth Forum participants to express their viewpoints, issues, and needs

Address current issues of concern in nuclear and military cleanup, including nuclear transport, use of innovative technologies, multiple-chemical human health effects, community acceptance criteria, culturally-based risk assessment, and others.

Guidelines for the Meeting
ISIS is dedicated to working across boundaries to discover and build the new knowledge and networks needed to resolve the difficult environmental and social problems we face. ISIS's projects incorporate reflection on our actions; observing and learning from the best practices of others; and collaborating with those who demonstrate ethical and progressive values in their work. At this June workshop, we ask that you join us in following these guidelines:

Respect for others: Respect means treating every human being as equal, incorporating elements of learning from others and seeing the value in others' actions. Respect is honoring culture and tradition.

Equity: This principle involves sharing resources with the community and the network, and ensuring that all affected communities have an opportunity to be heard and listened to. Achieving equity means that the best science and remediation technologies are available to and being used in every community affected by military pollution. Promoting equity means developing peer-based relationships between communities and scientists, so that there is a common language and shared goals.

Empowerment: The Community-Science Partnership (COSP) network aims to transfer expertise into the community so that communities can deal directly with environmental health hazards. This involves linking community members with scientists and technical experts who can assist in understanding and influencing the cleanup process and the toxins being addressed, and who are willling to transfer knowledge to the community as part of their involvement.

For further information, detailed agenda, and application for the Workshop, please visit our Workshop website: