Institute for Science and Interdisciplinary Studies

Staff and Board

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ISIS Institute is a continually growing group of diversely talented individuals dedicated to re-thinking the social, cultural, historical, philosophical and psychological limits of scientific and technological knowledge.

Board of Directors:

Dr. Herbert Bernstein, President & Chief Scientist
Professor of Physics, Hampshire College
Amherst, Massachusetts

Dr. Michael Fortun, Founding Fellow
Professor of Science, Technology and Society
Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, New York

Dr. Christopher Jarvis, Treasurer
Professor of Immunology, Hampshire College
Leyden, Massachusetts

Ms. Mary Bernstein
266 Shays Street
Amherst, Massachusetts

Mr. Jonathan Lash, Esq.
President, Hampshire College
Amherst, Massachusetts

Dr. Donald Spector
Moorad Professor of Science
Chair, Department of Physics and Coordinator, Engineering Program
Hobart & William Smith Colleges
Geneva, New York


Jamila Umi Jackson
Administrative Assistant

Niko Kern
Webmaster, etc.

David Keith
MilWaste Project Coordinator

Adam Blaustein-Rejto
Seminars, including monthly Bohm dialogue series